IMAGE: "Sawtooth National Forest - Stanley, Idaho"


District of Idaho

Chief Judge David C. Nye

Public 2 New
U.S. Courts District of Idaho Seal
District NextGen Information
PACER Information

Contact Information

PACER contact information:

Important Information For Attorneys

NextGen Account Information:

The U.S. District and Bankruptcy Courts for the District of Idaho will be upgrading to NextGen CM/ECF in March 2021.  Attorneys must link their CM/ECF account to their Individual PACER account to E-file in the court’s CM/ECF system.  

Bankruptcy is scheduled to go live on March 8, 2021.

District is scheduled to go live on March 15, 2021.

You are Required to Complete the Action Items below:





NOW – March 1, 2021

Ensure you have an INDIVIDUAL and UPGRADED PACER ACCOUNT (not a shared firm account). 

Go to to create your individual account or to check and see if your current account has been upgraded.



Instructions on Upgrading your PACER Account:

  • Go to
  • Click on My Account & Billing / Manage My Account Login.
  • Log in.
  • Check for Account Type: Legacy… or Upgraded…
  • If your account is a Legacy Account, please click the Upgrade link to the right of Account Type.


NOW – March 1, 2021

Know your current CM/ECF username/login and password (for District Court and Bankruptcy Court).  If you do not know them, you will need to take steps to retrieve them.

  • Your username/login is most likely your Idaho Bar number. For out of state attorneys, it is your bar number with included State initials, i.e. CA1010101, NY1010101, etc.).
  • Your password can be retrieved, but in order to do that, you will need to have the email address associated with CM/ECF up to date, as this is where your password reset link will go.  If you no longer have access to the email address originally associated with your CM/ECF account you may submit an email update request by emailing .  Include in the email your new email address, and we will update your ECF account. Once you have been notified that your email has been updated, you may then proceed with the password rest request.
  • To reset your password in CM/ECF please visit the login screens for each court.
    • Click on the appropriate ECF login button:
    • District ECF Login or
    • Bankruptcy ECF Login



NOW – March 1, 2021

Know your individual PACER account username/login and password.  To retrieve a forgotten PACER login and/or password go to:


Monday, March 8th for Bankruptcy and March 15th for District

(This step cannot be performed prior to March 8 & March 15, 2021)

Link your upgraded PACER account to your District of Idaho CM/ECF account.  See instructions below.

  1. Log out of PACER
  2. Completely close your browser
  3. Open your browser and go to:
  4. Click the District or Bankruptcy ECF Login button
  5. At the login prompt, type your Upgraded PACER Account Login/Password
  6. Click "Link my filer account to my PACER account"
  7. Enter your CM/ECF login and password to link your accounts

If you have a question about the linking process, please review the Frequently Asked Questions located at the following address:

CJA Attorneys ACTION REQUIRED: Once you have linked your upgraded non-CJA PACER Account with your CM/ECF account follow CJA PACER Procedure.


NOTE:  Not all courts have implemented NextGen CM/ECF.  If you file in courts that have not converted to NextGen, you must continue to use that court's CM/ECF login and password until they implement NextGen CM/ECF.  To see the current status for courts, click here.

See Instructions Below:

Upgrading your PACER Account
Instructions on how to upgrade your PACER account.
Linking PACER Account to NextGen
Instructions to link your PACER account to NextGen after the court has gone live on NextGen.
CJA PACER Procedure
Instructions for CJA Attorneys
Federal Government Attorney
Instructions for a Federal Government Agency
Saving Payment Information for PACER & E-Filing
Instructions for saving payment information.
PACER/NextGen CM/ECF Things to Remember

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